My medical physical is only once a year! Why do my teeth need a checkup two times a year? That is a question we hear often. While it may seem like overkill, there’s a good reason for seeing a dentist twice a year. Many dental diseases can quickly grow out of hand, and since your
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You may remember having frequent dental appointments as a child, but how often should adults get their teeth cleaned? For many people, twice-a-year dental appointments are enough to maintain a healthy mouth. However, everyone has different dental needs. At Country Club Dental, we’re dedicated to helping our patients maintain clean, healthy mouths all year round
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Visiting your dentist for a professional cleaning twice a year helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, if life gets in the way and you stop making dental cleanings a priority, Dr. Whitney and the staff at Country Club Dental may suggest you get a dental deep cleaning instead. What is a dental deep
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At Country Club Dental Flagstaff we stress the importance of a habitual oral health routine that includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once daily. With strong at-home oral health care and regular visits to the dentist office for cleanings, you can maintain good oral health all year round. But good oral health
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Recent discussions in the news media suggest that flossing has not been proven as an effective part of preventative dental care. We’d like to weigh in on the debate! First, just because there is not a plethora of evidence on the subject does not mean you should abandon your habit of flossing. Secondly, our team
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At Country Club Dental Flagstaff, we are a gentle dental practice. We take into consideration the fact that many people dislike the dentist and may experience some anxiety when scheduling a visit. We completely understand this hesitation. But when visits are put off, whether a routine check-up or an appointment to address an issue, a
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I think you might already know where we’re going with this question. As a general dental practice in Flagstaff Arizona, our answer at Country Club Dental is a resounding yes! But why? You may brush after every meal and floss each day. But there is a little gremlin called tartar that has a way of
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