Proper Nutrition for Healthy Teeth, Mouth and Gums

nutrition for healthy teeth - various bowls with cut vegetables and fruits

Proper Nutrition for Healthy Teeth, Mouth and Gums

At Country Club Dental Flagstaff we stress the importance of a habitual oral health routine that includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once daily. With strong at-home oral health care and regular visits to the dentist office for cleanings, you can maintain good oral health all year round. But good oral health is one thing; on the other hand, great oral health involves a few more components—including choosing foods and beverages that strengthen and promote oral health. Here are our suggestions for maintaining balanced nutrition for healthy teeth, mouth and gums.

Water is King

Proper hydration is essential for almost every aspect of our physical well-being. Even subtle dehydration of the body can negatively impact emotional and mental health. It’s probably obvious then, that drinking enough water throughout the day is also critical to oral health. But the majority of Americans fall short of the daily recommended eight cups of water a day (64 fl. oz.).

Drinking water regularly throughout your day has numerous benefits for your teeth, mouth and gums: it rinses away leftover food particles and substances that can be harmful to your teeth; it increases healthy saliva production, which mineralizes the enamel on teeth and also helps clear unwanted food particles from the mouth; and it fights dry mouth which can lead to halitosis or worse, tooth decay. Since the water in Flagstaff does not contain fluoride, we recommend fluoride treatments and supplements to our patients who might benefit from them.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Not only are fresh fruits and veggies packed with vitamins and minerals that boost the overall health of your teeth, mouth and gums, but they are also filled with fiber and can help scrub plaque off your teeth. Think dark green leafy vegetables, apples, citrus, celery, broccoli, peppers and berries. Fruits and vegetables that are dense in water will also help produce saliva and promote oral health.

Calcium-Rich Dairy Products

If your system can handle it well, dairy has been proven to balance the PH in your mouth after consuming foods that are high in sugar. In addition, the high calcium in dairy helps to remineralize your teeth and protect them from harmful acids and bacteria.

Drink Herbal and Green Teas

One study published by the National Institute of Health says that green tea is a “boon for periodontal and general health.” The study goes on to say that the components of herbal and green teas help to reduce inflammation, prevent bone resorption, and limit the growth of certain bacteria that can lead to gum disease.

Foods to Keep at a Minimum

If you want to promote great oral health, in addition to eating the right foods, it’s wise to keep the following foods and beverages at a minimum:

  • Foods and beverages that contain processed sugars
  • Processed foods heavy in carbohydrates
  • Highly acidic beverages, like coffee, red wine, and certain fruit juices

Keep Your Smile Bright in Flagstaff

Choosing proper nutrition for healthy teeth and gums is a win-win situation, since eating well for great oral health will also benefit the rest of your body. Our goal is to see your teeth and gums stay strong and white as part of living an overall healthy and vibrant life. If you’ve got questions about your dental health, we invite you to contact us at Country Club Dental in Flagstaff. We’re a family-friendly office that sees patients of all ages, from age 3 all the way up to 103! Call us today to schedule your next cleaning or dental procedure: 928-526-4314.

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (2/26/2019) Pixabay

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