The Importance of Twice-Yearly Dental Checkups

person getting a dental cleaning -why are dental checkups important

The Importance of Twice-Yearly Dental Checkups

My medical physical is only once a year! Why do my teeth need a checkup two times a year? 

That is a question we hear often. While it may seem like overkill, there’s a good reason for seeing a dentist twice a year. Many dental diseases can quickly grow out of hand, and since your oral health affects your overall health, it’s important never to miss a checkup. Here’s why.

Four Reasons Why Dental Checkups Are So Important 

1: Oral health is linked to overall health.

Poor oral health can cause problems throughout the body. Open wounds in the mouth are gateways for infections, while oral pain can cause you to not eat and nourish your body. Taking good care of your oral health helps you take care of your overall health. 

2: Cavities are contagious. 

While they can’t spread through coughing or sneezing like the flu, decay can spread to other teeth. Cavities are much easier to clean out and seal when they’re small. But as they become larger, they can infect other teeth and may require a crown, root canal, or extraction. 

3: Teeth cleanings help prevent gum disease.

Although brushing and flossing every day does help prevent gum disease, a deep cleaning twice a year will aid in your fight against gum and bone deterioration. Since gum disease progresses quickly, nipping it in the bud quickly is essential. The professional cleanings that you get twice a year remove the plaque and tartar that your toothbrush doesn’t reach. 

4: It might save you money in the long run.

Detecting oral health issues before they become too big helps you save money. Treatments like root canals, crowns, bridges, and implants can be costly. By visiting your dentist twice a year you should be able to get treatment before small problems become large, expensive ones. 

What Happens During a Dental Checkup?

Understanding what to expect can make scheduling that appointment easier, so here are the highlights of our dental checkups. 

Dental Exam 

  • Your dentist will count your teeth while checking each one for damage.
  • They will take x-rays to detect cavities and ensure the support structures of your mouth (like your jaw bone and tooth roots) are intact and healthy.
  • They will answer any questions and concerns you might have about your dental health, and let you know what steps you can take to keep your mouth healthy. 

Dental Cleaning

  • Your hygienist (the one in charge of cleaning your teeth) will floss your teeth. 
  • Then, using an electric brush, picks, a water flosser (or a combination of all three) they will give your teeth a thorough cleaning, removing any plaque and tartar buildup.  

Twice-Yearly Checkups Are Easy at Country Club Dental

At Country Club Dental our dentists, Dr. Whitney and Dr. Weedman, are here to help you keep your mouth healthy throughout the year. With exceptional education and experience, our entire team takes your dental health seriously. Contact us today to make an appointment. 




Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (3/7/24). Photo by lafayett zapata montero on Unsplash.

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