Should You Still Floss Daily?

floss daily - toothpaste, toothbrush, floss thread all laid out

Should You Still Floss Daily?

Recent discussions in the news media suggest that flossing has not been proven as an effective part of preventative dental care. We’d like to weigh in on the debate! First, just because there is not a plethora of evidence on the subject does not mean you should abandon your habit of flossing. Secondly, our team at Country Club Dental Flagstaff has been serving patients in Flagstaff, Arizona for over thirty-one years, and each day patients enter our offices whose teeth and gums display the benefits of flossing. Here are a few things to consider and why we promote flossing daily:  

Flossing decreases the bad bacteria surrounding your gums that lead to plaque.

Plaque is the number one cause of gum disease and dental caries (cavities). Throughout your day as you eat and drink, bacteria build up around your teeth and along your gumline. If not removed in a timely manner, these bacteria can lead to plaque and turn into a more harmful substance called tartar. When you floss daily, it breaks this buildup of bacteria in your mouth and helps to prevent the development of plaque and tartar.

Flossing increases the overall health of your gums.

Flossing gently between each tooth along the gumline cleans your teeth and lowers your risk for gum disease. Without regular flossing, gums can become sensitive and even bleed, potentially resulting in gingivitis or periodontitis. If gingivitis has developed and is caught early enough, regular brushing and flossing, along with regular checkups, may reverse its growth. Periodontitis (periodontal disease) on the other hand, cannot be reversed. And once your gums have receded too far from a tooth that they can no longer support the tooth, an extraction might be necessary.

Brushing alone is not enough, so floss daily!

Brushing is an effective way of cleaning your teeth, but on its own, it cannot remove food particles that get lodged in those hard-to-reach places between your teeth. Nor can brushing alone prevent the deeper buildup of bacteria along your gumline. That’s why we recommend you floss daily in the evenings for maximum benefit.

If our word isn’t enough, both the Department of Health and Human Services and the American Dental Association reaffirm the importance of flossing as part of preventative oral health care. One study published on found that it’s not just how often you floss your teeth, but whether you are flossing properly, that can make all the difference. In our next blog post we’ll discuss a proper flossing technique that you can use at home on a daily basis.

At Country Club Dental Flagstaff, we love serving our patients and giving them a more beautiful and functional smile. But with proper brushing, flossing, and good dental care at home, we hope we won’t need to see you until your next biannual cleaning! So brush twice a day and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums happy and strong!

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (1/23/2019) Pixaby

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