dentist near me in Flagstaff

what to expect with a tooth extraction - hanging dentistry sign extractions

What to Expect with a Tooth Extraction

Getting a tooth permanently pulled is not an ideal situation, but sometimes it can’t be avoided. The first tooth extraction many people experience is having their wisdom teeth taken out. Other reasons for an adult tooth extraction can include a crowded mouth, decay, infection, periodontal disease or a complicated fracture. At Country Club Dental Flagstaff,

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Causes of Dry Mouth - dry and crackling desert, blue sky with a few clouds and a barren tree.

Causes of Dry Mouth and How to Treat It

Dry mouth is a condition that impacts the salivary glands in your mouth and results in a decrease of saliva production. Saliva is an integral part of the digestion process and serves as the first step in breaking down food particles. If you suffer from dry mouth, common everyday activities such as eating and talking

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gum disease risk factors - hand holds cigarette over a steering wheel

What Are Common Gum Disease Risk Factors?

Considering that February is the National Gum Disease Awareness month, at Country Club Dental in Flagstaff, we thought we’d share some of the common gum disease risk factors and how you can do your best to mitigate these risks. Warning Signs of Gum Disease When gums are healthy they appear pink and firm and shouldn’t

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floss daily - toothpaste, toothbrush, floss thread all laid out

Should You Still Floss Daily?

Recent discussions in the news media suggest that flossing has not been proven as an effective part of preventative dental care. We’d like to weigh in on the debate! First, just because there is not a plethora of evidence on the subject does not mean you should abandon your habit of flossing. Secondly, our team

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