Believe it or not, up until the 1990s, doctors and nurses smoked in hospitals and even appeared in cigarette advertisements. In the modern era, however, most people are aware that tobacco products are bad for overall health. And while there’s a lot of research and evidence surrounding smoking and oral health, you may not know
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Getting a tooth permanently pulled is not an ideal situation, but sometimes it can’t be avoided. The first tooth extraction many people experience is having their wisdom teeth taken out. Other reasons for an adult tooth extraction can include a crowded mouth, decay, infection, periodontal disease or a complicated fracture. At Country Club Dental Flagstaff,
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Unexpected dental pain or issues tend to bring even the most reluctant person into the dentist’s office. Just to mention up front, if you’re currently experiencing a dental emergency and finances are a concern, don’t let that stop you from taking action. If you have no insurance we’ve got affordable payment options for you at
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How do you kill bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath? A case of bad breath can be mortifying, especially when it’s chronic. But bad breath, also known as halitosis is extremely common. The reality is, everyone suffers from bad breath at some point in the day. This is simply because the environment in
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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. And as a family dental practice in Flagstaff, Country Club Dental wants to remind you to schedule your bi-annual dental checkups, which can help in the early detection of oral cancer. Understanding oral cancer and its risk factors can help in limiting its development and in early detection. First,
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March 20th was the first official day of spring. And while it might still be a little chilly here in Flagstaff, things are slowly beginning to thaw, and the beauty of spring is soon to bloom. Along with the flowers and warmer weather, synonymous with spring is the idea of cleaning! We’ve been hibernating for
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Dry mouth is a condition that impacts the salivary glands in your mouth and results in a decrease of saliva production. Saliva is an integral part of the digestion process and serves as the first step in breaking down food particles. If you suffer from dry mouth, common everyday activities such as eating and talking
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At Country Club Dental Flagstaff we stress the importance of a habitual oral health routine that includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once daily. With strong at-home oral health care and regular visits to the dentist office for cleanings, you can maintain good oral health all year round. But good oral health
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Considering that February is the National Gum Disease Awareness month, at Country Club Dental in Flagstaff, we thought we’d share some of the common gum disease risk factors and how you can do your best to mitigate these risks. Warning Signs of Gum Disease When gums are healthy they appear pink and firm and shouldn’t
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Recent discussions in the news media suggest that flossing has not been proven as an effective part of preventative dental care. We’d like to weigh in on the debate! First, just because there is not a plethora of evidence on the subject does not mean you should abandon your habit of flossing. Secondly, our team
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