Oral Health

osteoporosis and oral health

Osteoporosis And Oral Health

Osteoporosis is a common medical condition. Characterized by the weakening of bones, it affects over 53 million Americans, most of whom are over the age of 50. Just as there is a mind-body connection, there is also a mouth-body connection. As such, it’s only natural that osteoporosis affects oral health. At Country Club Dental in

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electric toothbrushes

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better?

One of the most common questions we get at Country Club Dental is, “are electric toothbrushes better than manual ones?” We can confidently say, yes! Think about it: you use a toothbrush twice a day, which means the toothbrush you use is an important tool. When selecting a toothbrush, you want to look for qualities

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staying healthy back to school

Healthy Back-to-School Habits

This back-to-school season is unlike any other. Although our kids won’t be in a classroom (for at least some of the year), they are returning to online and distance learning. Regardless of the location, we need to ensure our kids are staying healthy as they go back to school. In some ways, learning from home

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