Healthy Back-to-School Habits

staying healthy back to school

Healthy Back-to-School Habits

This back-to-school season is unlike any other. Although our kids won’t be in a classroom (for at least some of the year), they are returning to online and distance learning. Regardless of the location, we need to ensure our kids are staying healthy as they go back to school.

In some ways, learning from home is an even greater challenge to our children’s health. TV or other electronics may be a temptation, boredom is possible, and a range of food security concerns or increased food choices and options throughout the day. Here are a few tips for families that want to focus on healthy habits as their kids return to school online:

1. Get plenty of rest.

Sleep is essential to your growing child’s body. Kids age 7 to 12 need a whopping 10-11 hours of sleep a night. Now that they don’t have to catch the bus and be in their classroom at a specific time, there might be a little less stress around sleep. However, try enforcing a bedtime for your younger children that allows them to get the rest they need to focus on school work.

2. Balanced nutrition.

Healthy bodies perform better, both physically and cognitively. A diet full of unhealthy fats, processed foods and sugar will leave our kids feeling sluggish and lethargic. If both mom and dad are working, we know how much of a struggle it can be to provide healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks. Here are a few quick and easy meals that take a healthy spin on kid-favorites.

3. Stay active.

During this pandemic, we are out and about less. And there’s no need to tell you that some of our kids are going stir-crazy. It’s generally recommended to find two 30-minute time slots to allow your kids to be active during the school day. Think of creative ways to get your kids moving throughout the day. If you live near nature, incorporate outdoor activities like scavenger hunts that provide learning opportunities. Go on a family walk or bike ride at lunch. Start a family garden where the kids plant seeds, tend to them, and get to watch them grow. Here are a ton of other ideas.

4. Explore their learning style.

One benefit of learning from home is that it allows your kids to thrive in their different learning styles. Find out if your child is a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic learner and make adjustments to help them learn their way.

5. Keep a routine.

With the whole family at home and so much time on your hands, this is possibly the hardest aspect of distance learning. Establishing a routine can set the stage for success and expectations. Regular start and end times to the school day can be helpful for children. And scheduled breaks can help kids focus better on the tasks at hand.

6. Invite creativity.

Children are curious by nature. We don’t have to teach them to embrace their imaginations. They do it naturally. Formal classrooms can sometimes sterilize learning. Kids that are allowed to use their imaginations and creativity throughout the day as they learn challenge different parts of their brains. Encourage your children to use their creative and imaginative sides as they learn from home.

7. Reduce screen-time—where possible.

Most of our children are using laptops and tablets to do their learning. This increase in screen time, in addition to TV, video games, cell phones and other online activities, has the potential to be harmful to our kids. Consider putting a limit on after-school screen time and encourage your kids to get out and be active.

8. Don’t forget dental health!

It wouldn’t be a dental blog if we didn’t mention oral health. With 20% of children (1 in 5) ages 5-11 having at least one tooth that has untreated decay, the chances are high that your child might develop a cavity. And children that suffer from dental pain have greater trouble focusing on school work.

In addition to brushing twice a day and learning flossing habits (incorporated into their daily routine), your kids should be visiting the dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups. We highly recommend opting for fluoride treatments and considering dental sealants as additional layers of protection for your kid’s teeth.

Give Us a Call

As a general practice who also provides care for families in Flagstaff, we treat patients from age 3 to 100. There’s still time to schedule that dental cleaning before the busy school year starts in August. Schedule your appointment with our Country Club Dental team today!


Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash (7/30/2020)

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