Oral Health During and After Pregnancy

oral health during pregnancy

Oral Health During and After Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your top priority is making sure your baby is healthy. You achieve this goal by keeping yourself as healthy as possible. And, yes, this includes your oral health as well.

At Country Club Dental in Flagstaff, we have years of experience treating pregnant patients. We approach both your health and safety, and that of the baby’s, with extreme care. We’re also happy to share these tips for maintaining good oral health during pregnancy.  

Oral Health Issues Linked to Pregnancy 

As you’re probably aware, hormone changes may be responsible for various issues during pregnancy. You may not know, however, that they can cause oral health problems, as well.

Gingivitis is extremely common in pregnant women, affecting up to 75%. The pregnancy hormones cause extra inflammation and sensitivity to bacteria. It’s a painful and dangerous issue that can be avoided by daily brushing and flossing. 

Also, if you’re experiencing nausea, watch out for enamel erosion. Teeth erode when acid attacks them, and frequent vomiting creates an acid environment in your mouth. 

Pregnant women should also beware of cavities. Cravings for sugar pave the way for tooth decay, and hormones may aggravate invasive bacteria. 

Steps to Maintain Oral Health During Pregnancy

If you are actively trying to get pregnant, you’re likely preparing your body for the experience. Don’t forget to prepare your oral health as well, as hormonal changes can put it in jeopardy. Keep these tips in mind for keeping a healthy mouth while you’re pregnant:

  • Take prenatal vitamins. Vitamins and minerals are highly beneficial for a pregnant woman. They’re also important for your teeth, as they help balance pH levels in your saliva, creating more of an alkaline environment in the mouth. Talk to your doctor about which vitamins you should take while pregnant.
  • Be mindful of your diet. This one may seem obvious, but a healthy diet is vital for your oral health—and for your baby. While you may be craving candy or ice cream, don’t overdo it. Too much sugar can do long-lasting damage to both your teeth and your baby’s health.
  • Never skip brushing or flossing. Even if you’re absolutely exhausted (which pregnancy can do to you!), never skip brushing. Take care of your baby by taking care of yourself.

Are Routine Procedures Safe For Pregnant Women? 

Generally, routine dental procedures are safe for a pregnant woman. However, the woman’s particular condition and the riskiness of the procedure will determine whether it’s worth it. Gum disease treatment and cavity fillings are simple, and will pose no harm to a pregnant patient. 

Anesthesia can also be administered to pregnant women if oral surgery is necessary. The surgeon, dentist, or anesthesiologist will take your condition into consideration when administering the sedative. 

If you’re in need of pain medication after a procedure, consult your doctor first. Pregnant women cannot take Ibuprofen or many other anti-inflammatories, so never do so without medical direction. Keep in mind that nitrous oxide poses a possible threat to an unborn fetus. 

Dental X-rays are also safe for your baby, and can provide important diagnostic information about the health of your teeth. Let your dentist know if you are pregnant and need X-rays. You will be given a protective lead apron to mitigate any potential risk.

Visiting the Dentist While Breastfeeding?

Most drugs, sedatives, or other substances you receive at the dentist will not affect your milk. However, it is still important to ensure your dentist is aware you’re breastfeeding, to stay on the safe side.

Family Dentist in Flagstaff

At Country Club Dental, we have extensive experience providing unbeatable dental care for the whole family, including during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and need oral care, schedule an exam today. If Dr. Whitney determines you are in need of an oral surgeon, he will refer you to one. And don’t forget to brush and floss, as always.

Image by Regina Petkovic on Pixabay.

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