Articles posted by Country Club Dental

why do cavities hurt - woman holding jaw in pain

Why Do Cavities Hurt?

Having a cavity is no fun. It doesn’t matter if your pain is minor or unbearable—it’s always important to treat a cavity right away, before it can cause further damage. But why do cavities hurt in the first place? Here’s more about what causes cavities, why they hurt, and how you can repair cavity-damaged teeth.

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what's causing my tooth pain - woman holding jaw in pain

What’s Causing Your Tooth Pain?

Toothaches can range from a dull ache to utterly unbearable pain. To find relief, it’s important to understand what’s causing your tooth pain so you can treat the root of the problem. Don’t let a toothache turn into a dental emergency—here’s how to tell the difference between minor toothaches and tooth nerve pain symptoms.  What’s

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how long do crowns last - man smiling in field

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Wondering if getting a dental crown is worth it? Or do you have an old crown that’s grown a little worse for wear? Although crowns are a durable and long-lasting type of dental restoration, they don’t last forever.  It’s important to know when it’s time to replace a crown, so you can maintain a bright,

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what is a dental bridge - woman smiling

What Is a Dental Bridge?

If you’re missing any teeth, you need long-lasting, durable replacements. Dental bridges can replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Here are our answers to the most common questions people have about getting a dental bridge.  What Is a Dental Bridge? A bridge is a type of dental appliance that fills the gap left by

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effects of teeth grinding - woman with toothache in dental office

What Are the Effects of Teeth Grinding?

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, can cause a variety of side effects that impact your oral health. Without treatment, these consequences can result in long term damage to your teeth, gums, and jaw.  At Country Club Dental, we want to help you protect your mouth from the damaging effects of grinding your teeth. We

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