What Is a Dental Bridge?

what is a dental bridge - woman smiling

What Is a Dental Bridge?

If you’re missing any teeth, you need long-lasting, durable replacements. Dental bridges can replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Here are our answers to the most common questions people have about getting a dental bridge. 

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A bridge is a type of dental appliance that fills the gap left by one or more missing teeth. There are two main types of dental bridges—fixed bridges and implant-supported bridges. 

With a fixed bridge, the procedure involves fitting a crown over the teeth on either side of the gap. The crowns support a false tooth called a pontic, which replaces the missing tooth. The pontic and crowns are colored to match the color of your other teeth to give you a natural-looking smile. 

Implant-supported bridges are more expensive and require invasive surgery. Instead of placing crowns on top of existing teeth to support the bridge, metal posts are implanted in your jaw and attached to the crowns. 

How Long Does a Dental Bridge Last?

A fixed dental bridge is permanently cemented to your teeth so that your mouth has the strength to bite and chew normally. However, fixed bridges may need to be replaced every 7 to 10 years, depending on how well you take care of them. But in most cases, implant-supported bridges will last even longer than 10 years. 

It’s essential that you brush your bridge twice a day along with your natural teeth, and floss underneath the bridge every day. Keeping your bridge clean will keep it strong and your other teeth healthy. If you grind your teeth, you’ll need to wear a mouthguard at night to avoid damaging your bridge. 

How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost?

The total cost depends on the type of bridge, the materials used, and whether surgery is involved. Including the crowns placed on the teeth, a fixed dental bridge typically costs at least $1,500. The good news is that many dental plans will cover the cost of a fixed bridge or at least the crowns, so make sure to check with your provider. 

An implant-supported bridge can cost $4,000 or more, due to the expensive materials used and the extensive training required to perform the surgery. Unfortunately, implant-supported bridges are not usually covered by insurance. 

Why Replace Missing Teeth With a Bridge?

Whether you’re missing a single tooth or many, it’s important to replace them. If you don’t fill the gap with a bridge, your other teeth could start to shift, leading to difficulty speaking and chewing. And because your teeth may become more crooked as they shift, they will be more difficult to keep clean and more vulnerable to tooth decay

Shifting teeth can also place more stress on your jaw, leading to painful TMJ disorders. Eventually, missing teeth can cause facial collapse, making your face look older. Replacing missing teeth with a bridge as soon as possible prevents all of these problems. 

Fixed Dental Bridges in Flagstaff

Missing teeth lead to a variety of serious dental issues, so please don’t hesitate to get them replaced. Dr. Paul Whitney can restore your smile with an affordable, high-quality fixed dental bridge. At Country Club Dental, we also provide a wide range of preventive and restorative services to help you maintain a beautiful smile. Call us at 928-526-4314 today to schedule an appointment. 

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (11/8/2022). Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

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