How to Treat Cavities in Baby Teeth

how to treat cavities in baby teeth - child smiling

How to Treat Cavities in Baby Teeth

Children can develop cavities at any age, even when they’re very young. If your child starts complaining of tooth pain, it’s important to act quickly. Treating cavities early on will prevent serious dental complications and ensure that your child grows up with a healthy smile. Let’s take a look at how to treat cavities in baby teeth, and what can happen if you don’t. 

Signs Your Child Has a Cavity

If you notice your child showing symptoms of cavities, it’s time to schedule a trip to the dentist for a checkup. Signs of cavities in baby teeth include:

  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • White, brown, or black spots on the teeth
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks
  • Tooth pain—toddlers may act unusually fussy, and children of any age may avoid certain foods or brushing their teeth due to the pain 

How to Treat Cavities in Baby Teeth

Dental Fillings

In most cases, your child will simply need to have the cavity filled to prevent further damage. This treatment begins with numbing your child’s teeth and gums so they don’t feel any pain during the procedure. Next, the dentist removes the infected part of the tooth using a drill, then fills the hole. The dentist then shaves down the filling to match the natural shape of the tooth. 

Filling a cavity can be done in a single appointment and typically takes less than an hour. However, multiple fillings will likely take a few hours. To prevent your child from becoming restless and uncomfortable, it’s best to break up appointments for treating several cavities.


If your child has significant damage from cavities, they may need to have a crown placed instead. With extensive decay, a larger portion of the tooth must be removed. This may cause the tooth to be too weak to support biting and chewing on its own. A crown strengthens the tooth and prevents more cavities from forming. 

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Cavities in Baby Teeth?

Just because baby teeth fall out eventually doesn’t mean you can ignore tooth decay. Early cavity treatment for baby teeth is essential for the development of healthy permanent teeth.

If you don’t treat cavities in baby teeth early, the bacteria that causes them can spread below the gumline. Untreated cavities can lead to premature baby tooth loss, which may cause the developing permanent teeth to become impacted or misaligned. The bacteria can also infect the permanent teeth before they even erupt through the gums. 

How to Help Your Child Avoid Cavities

The main causes of cavities are poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugary and acidic foods or drinks. Cavity prevention is crucial for protecting your child’s teeth, especially if they’ve already had fillings or crowns. Plaque buildup can weaken dental restorations, allowing bacteria to reach the already vulnerable tooth underneath. 

You can protect your child’s teeth from cavities by ensuring that they:

  • Brush their teeth twice a day
  • Floss once a day
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning

Children can also benefit from getting dental sealants to protect their teeth. Sealants are a protective coating that is applied to the biting surfaces of teeth to keep out harmful bacteria and plaque. 

Family Dentist in Flagstaff, Arizona

If your child is due for a checkup, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The compassionate team at Country Club Dental offers gentle teeth cleanings and dental sealants for children. We can also identify early signs of cavities in baby teeth and discuss immediate treatment. Call 928-526-4314 today to schedule an appointment with our family dentists Dr. Mikaela Weedman and Dr. Paul Whitney

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (11/2/2022). Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

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