Monthly Archives: February

what is fluoride

What is Fluoride? Is it Good or Bad?

If you’ve been in any supermarket shopping for toothpaste, you’ve seen the term “fluoride.” But what is this mysterious chemical? In short, it’s a chemical that aids in rebuilding tooth enamel and eliminating bacteria. Does that mean you should consume as much as possible? Not exactly. At Country Club Dental in Flagstaff, we want to

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electric toothbrushes

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better?

One of the most common questions we get at Country Club Dental is, “are electric toothbrushes better than manual ones?” We can confidently say, yes! Think about it: you use a toothbrush twice a day, which means the toothbrush you use is an important tool. When selecting a toothbrush, you want to look for qualities

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