What is a Dental Crown?

what is a dental crown

What is a Dental Crown?

Our team members at Country Club Dental in Flagstaff can all agree that enhancing your smile is extremely rewarding! We bring out the best in your smile when teeth are damaged, decayed, or even missing. It’s a joy to see our patients rediscover the natural beauty of their mouths.

One of the most common ways to do this is through the application of crowns. A crown is a routine procedure that we’ve seen countless patients through. Here is everything you need to know about getting a dental crown.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is also known as a “tooth cap”. It adheres to a damaged tooth, making it look and function as a natural tooth. 

Crowns are applied to aid the overall function of the tooth by emulating its original shape. Alternatively, a crown may be applied to protect what remains of a weak tooth. See below for examples of what dental issues crowns are used to correct.

The Magic of BruxZirⓇ 

A dental crown can be made of various materials, ranging from plastic to metal and beyond. But the best material on the market is BruxZirⓇ

BruxZirⓇ has been proven to be the most durable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing material for dental crowns. It’s crafted from solid zirconia, giving it an impenetrable strength, unmatched by porcelain or metal. We’re always excited to share the wonders of BruxZirⓇ with our patients.

When Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns can solve a myriad of dental problems, not limited to:

  • Broken teeth. Teeth are fragile, and can easily become damaged upon direct impact. Auto accidents or bad falls can result in cracks and breaks.
  • Severely decayed teeth. When bacteria infects a tooth, it can become so weak that its normal function is impaired. In many cases, a crown is applied to protect the weakened tooth from further damage. 
  • Gaps in between, or even within, teeth. Crowns are useful additions to the mouth because they restore the natural function of your teeth.
  • Discolored teeth. Teeth that are not sufficiently brushed become yellow over time. Crowns, however, are matched to the natural color of your teeth, bringing out the brightness of your smile.

The Procedure

As we said earlier, crowd installations are extremely common and routine. They are quick, easy, and well worth the time of fixing your mouth’s overall function. 

Typically, the two-visit dental crown process goes as follows: 

  • During your first visit, your dentist will identify and examine the damaged tooth. Then he’ll take its shape and fit in a temporary crown.
  • By the time your next visit comes around, your permanent crown will be ready. Your dentist will apply it, making sure it fits your mouth perfectly. 

While the dental crown process is not usually painful, some patients experience mild discomfort. Note that while you’re getting your crown put in, you will receive a local anesthetic.

BruxZirⓇ Crown Fillings in Flagstaff

Our team at Country Club Dental takes pride in helping you maintain oral health. We’re happy to guide you through the dental crown process to make it as smooth as possible. Schedule a first-time appointment today to restore your smile to its natural look and feel!

Image by Ri Butov on Pixabay.

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