Treatments for Gum Disease

woman getting dental scaling -treatment for gum disease

Treatments for Gum Disease

Getting treatment for gum disease is an important part of caring for your oral health. Without treatment, gum disease can take over your mouth and ruin your smile by attacking your jaw, soft tissues, and teeth. Read on to learn more about the different treatment options. 

What Is Gum Disease? 

Gum disease, gingivitis, periodontitis—no matter the name, if left unchecked, gum disease can cause bone loss in the jaw, receding gums, and tooth loss. It starts because of a buildup of bacteria in your mouth, which causes plaque and tartar to stick to your teeth. The acids released by plaque and tartar inflame your gums, causing irritation and bleeding. 

Skipping dental exams is one of the main reasons that gingivitis becomes a bigger problem. At your twice-yearly cleanings, your dental hygienist removes the stuck-on and damaging tartar. The other main cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene, like brushing and flossing infrequently or incorrectly.

What Are the Best Treatments for Gum Disease? 

Treating gum disease is an important part of ensuring that it does not get any worse. The earlier periodontal disease is treated, the easier it is to keep it from becoming a larger problem. In its earliest stage, gingivitis, your dentist might suggest some at-home remedies to help you keep periodontal disease at bay. But if the disease has progressed, you may need professional dental treatments or even surgery.

At-Home Treatments 

  • Build a good oral health routine that includes brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using a mouth rinse once or twice a day.
  • Switch to a soft-bristled, electric toothbrush. Soft bristles enable you to reach more parts of your teeth, while an electric brush is best at removing plaque from hard-to-reach places. 
  • Reduce or stop your use of tobacco products. Nicotine and other additives in vapes, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco can make gum disease symptoms worse. 

Non-Surgical Treatments 

  • Dental Cleanings Twice a Year 

For the early stages of periodontal disease letting a hygienist scale your teeth will remove any plaque and tartar

  • Root Planing 

This treatment removes tartar and smooths the surface of the tooth root, making it harder for tartar to form. It also gives receding gums a surface to reattach to. 

  • Antibiotics 

Topical or oral antibiotics can help control chronic bacterial infections like gum disease. 

Surgical Treatments

  • Grafts 

Soft tissue or bone grafts may be needed to restore large areas of gum tissue and bone that have been eaten away by infectious bacteria. 

  • Pocket Reduction Surgery 

Coupled with scaling and root planing, this treatment can help repair tooth and jaw damage and prevent infections. 

  • Guided Tissue Regeneration 

A special type of fabric is placed between the soft tissues and the bone to stimulate new bone growth.

Dental Treatment You Can Count On

Getting dental treatment from a dentist you trust is a must! Treating gum disease is often a lifetime process, especially if in the advanced stages. Luckily for you, here at Country Club Dental we have an amazing team of technicians and dentists. Dr. Whitney and Dr. Weedman both have the skills needed to help you take care of your beautiful smile and keep gum disease at bay. Contact us today to make an appointment.



Images used under creative commons -commercial use (3/31/24). Photo by Caroline LM on Unsplash.

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