oral health

woman with toothache holding hand to cheek

6 Signs You Need a Root Canal

Root canals have a reputation for being scary and painful, but that’s just a myth. Modern dentistry has made getting a root canal procedure much the same as getting a cavity filled—you might feel a little discomfort, but there will not be any pain. However, you’ll definitely wind up in a lot of pain if

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gum pain causes - woman holding face in dental office

8 Common Causes of Gum Pain

From minor irritation to a throbbing pain that keeps you up at night, aching gums are no fun. But unless you know what’s causing your pain in the first place, it can be difficult to find relief. We put together this list of the most common causes of gum pain so you can seek the

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effects of teeth grinding - woman with toothache in dental office

What Are the Effects of Teeth Grinding?

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, can cause a variety of side effects that impact your oral health. Without treatment, these consequences can result in long term damage to your teeth, gums, and jaw.  At Country Club Dental, we want to help you protect your mouth from the damaging effects of grinding your teeth. We

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electric toothbrushes

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better?

One of the most common questions we get at Country Club Dental is, “are electric toothbrushes better than manual ones?” We can confidently say, yes! Think about it: you use a toothbrush twice a day, which means the toothbrush you use is an important tool. When selecting a toothbrush, you want to look for qualities

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