annual checkups

mouth with overly red gums -what do the early stages of gum disease look like

What are the Four Stages of Gum Disease?

Do your gums hurt? Do they bleed when you floss your teeth? Do your teeth ever feel sensitive or slightly loose? These are all symptoms of gum disease, and you need to take them seriously. Knowing what the early stages of gum disease look like can help you get treatment before the condition becomes irreversible.

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dry mouth tooth decay

Dry Mouth and Tooth Decay

According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine, up to 65% of the population could be suffering from clinical xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth. The numbers are not known precisely because dry mouth is often not reported by those who suffer from it. There are a number of causes of dry mouth. Among them

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medical conditions and oral health

4 Medical Conditions that Impact Oral Health

As you would imagine, the functions of the body are all interconnected. In fact, studies show that chronic inflammation in one place can result in health effects in other parts of the body. Poor oral health has been linked to a number of diseases such as endocarditis, cardiovascular disease and pneumonia. Just as oral health

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