Professional vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

older couple smiling -professional vs. at home teeth whitening

Professional vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

What’s the best way to get a brighter smile? Having discolored teeth can affect your confidence, but what is the most effective way to whiten them? We compare the pros and cons of professional vs. at-home teeth whitening treatments below. 

How Do Teeth Get Discolored? 

Teeth can become discolored for many reasons. As we age, our teeth naturally turn a little yellow as the enamel wears down and the dentin starts to show through. Genetics play a part in thinning enamel, making some people’s teeth start to look yellow sooner than others. Plaque and tartar buildup can also influence tooth color. Your teeth will look more yellow if you don’t brush regularly or if you skip your dental cleanings.

However, your daily choices also make a difference. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to discolored teeth is smoking. Whether it’s in a cigarette or a vape pen, nicotine will quickly stain your teeth. And many common foods and beverages can stain your teeth as well. Coffee, black tea, red wine, dark sodas, colorful energy drinks, and even things like berries and tomato sauce will gradually stain your teeth the more you consume them.

Professional vs. At-Home Whitening Treatments 

At-Home Whitening

Many people decide to try whitening their teeth at home before they try professional whitening techniques. At-home whitening products include whitening toothpaste, strips, kits, or even natural remedies


  • At-home treatments are typically less expensive. Depending on the method, the cost of at-home whitening is affordable for most people. 
  • There are options for a more natural approach. At-home remedies like baking soda scrubs are available for tooth whitening. 
  • Treatments can be worked into your daily routine. Using a whitening toothpaste or mouth rinse can easily be worked into your existing routines. 


  • At-home treatments take time to work. If you use an at-home whitening kit, it may take several weeks to see noticeable results. Natural remedies and whitening toothpaste take even longer—it may take months of daily use to notice a difference.
  • At-home kits may cause sensitivity or damage your enamel. Drugstore whitening kits are not formulated specifically for your teeth, and they can cause permanent damage if used improperly. Misusing or overusing these products can erode your enamel, resulting in sensitivity and darkening your teeth instead of whitening them.
  • They are less effective than professional techniques. At-home treatments are not as powerful as the treatments you can get at the dentist, and they are not effective against deep-set stains.

Professional Whitening 

Although it’s more expensive, professional whitening lasts much longer. It can tackle deep stains, and it typically only takes one session to see results. 


  • You get same-day results. One appointment is generally enough to get you at or near your desired tooth color. If you want a whiter smile for an upcoming photoshoot or special occasion, professional whitening is the way to go.
  • Treatment is conducted by a professional who understands your teeth. Your dentist will adapt your treatments to a level that your teeth can handle, mitigating the risk of sensitivity or damage to your enamel.


  • Professional whitening can be expensive. Since it’s a cosmetic treatment, professional whitening isn’t covered by dental insurance, so it can be costly up front. However, at-home whitening can be just as costly, because you might have to use several kits or different products to get your teeth to the desired whiteness, making you spend more money in the long run. 
  • No natural alternatives. While professional whitening does not offer a natural approach, all whitening solutions used by your dentist have been tested for safety and last longer than “natural” methods. 

Cosmetic Dental Care in Flagstaff, Arizona 

Having a smile you are proud of goes a long way in building self-confidence. Here at Country Club Dental, we understand how important having a beautiful smile can be, which is why we only offer the best, most effective professional whitening treatments. 

We use the Sensational Smile whitening method, which utilizes a gel whitener and an LED light to activate and accelerate the ingredients. This results in a brighter smile in less time than other methods. Not only does it work faster, the special tray allows you to relax your jaw, so you can remain comfortable during the procedure. If you want to get a whiter smile, don’t waste your time on at-home treatments—contact us today to schedule an appointment.




Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (4/18/24). Photo by: THERESE REYES from Burst.

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