Early Signs of Oral Cancer—Are You At Risk?

signs of oral cancer - woman holding mouth in pain

Early Signs of Oral Cancer—Are You At Risk?

No one likes to hear the word “cancer”, including when they are at the dentist’s office. Unfortunately, cancer can occur in almost any area of the mouth. If caught early by the dentists at Country Club Dental, most oral cancers are treatable. Here’s a look at what dental cancer is, the signs of oral cancer to be aware of, and treatment and prevention options. 

What is oral cancer? 

Oral cancer, also called mouth cancer or dental cancer, refers to any type of cancer that occurs in the mouth. This includes cancer on the gums, cheeks, tongue, palate, throat, or lips. 

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) estimates doctors diagnose about 54,000 adults in the United States each year with different types of oral cancer. 

What are the warning signs of oral cancer?  

Many types of mouth cancer show warning signs when first developing. Some of these warning signs may include: 

  • White or red patches in your mouth
  • Unexplained bleeding in the mouth or gums
  • Sores in your mouth or on your lips that do not heal
  • Any odd-looking swelling, bumps, or growths inside your mouth, on your lips, or on your tongue
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing or talking
  • Numbness in any area of your mouth or lips
  • Ear pain

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should call and make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. Oral cancers are more treatable the sooner they are diagnosed. 

How is dental cancer treated?  

If your dentist suspects oral cancer, they will biopsy any suspicious areas to test for cancer cells. You may also undergo some imaging tests to ensure cancer has not spread to other parts of your body. 

If cancer is present in your mouth, there are a few treatment options available, such as:

  • Surgery to remove the cancerous growth
  • Radiation and/or chemotherapy treatment
  • Targeted drug therapy

Is mouth cancer preventable?  

Unfortunately, not all oral cancers are preventable. However, there are some things patients can do to help lower their risk. These include: 

Moderate Alcohol Intake

Drinking alcohol is another high-risk factor for mouth cancer. Consuming a lot of alcoholic beverages can irritate the cells in your mouth, leaving them vulnerable to cancer. To lower your risk for mouth cancer, you should drink alcohol in moderation, meaning one drink or less a day for women and two drinks or less a day for men. 

Protect Lips from the Sun

We all know that too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer. The same can happen when lips encounter too much UV radiation. The skin on the lips is very delicate and it can burn very quickly, even in the winter. When you’re out for long periods of time in the sun, use a sunblock with UV protection on your lips and/or wear a hat that shades your face.

Quit Smoking

According to ASCO, all types of tobacco use are the largest risk factor for any type of head and neck cancer with 85% of those types of cancers linked to the use of tobacco. And chewing tobacco causes a 50% increase in the risk of oral cancer on the gums, cheeks, and lips. 

Oral Cancer Prevention in Flagstaff

The best prevention for oral cancer is keeping up with your annual dental cleanings. During a cleaning, your mouth is checked for any warning signs of oral cancer. Additionally, the dentist or hygienist updates their records on your overall health and can discuss any lifestyle habits that you may need to change to help prevent dental cancer.

If it’s been a while since your last dental cleaning, call Country Club Dental in Flagstaff today at 928-526-4314

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

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