Dry Mouth and Tooth Decay

dry mouth tooth decay

Dry Mouth and Tooth Decay

According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine, up to 65% of the population could be suffering from clinical xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth. The numbers are not known precisely because dry mouth is often not reported by those who suffer from it. There are a number of causes of dry mouth. Among them are diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome and diabetes, side effects of certain medications, hormonal changes, the use of tobacco products, and the list goes on. All of these causes have one thing in common: saliva production

The Importance of Your Saliva

You may not have given your saliva much thought unless you struggle with chronic dry mouth, but our saliva is a very important piece of the body’s physiological functions. It helps with food digestion, chewing, swallowing, and talking. It protects our teeth from decay and protects our mouths from harmful bacteria and viruses. It also plays an important role in our sense of taste. Without the proper production of saliva, a number of issues can arise. 

The Role of Dry Mouth on Tooth Decay

One of the most detrimental effects of dry mouth on oral health is tooth decay. Tooth decay begins when harmful bacteria in the oral cavity ingest sugars from food and beverages, resulting in the production of acids. These acids then begin to eat away at the tooth’s enamel. The body’s first line of defense against these damaging acids is saliva. 

Your saliva is composed of a variety of electrolytes and minerals that help restore tooth enamel before it is permanently lost. Not only does saliva help cleanse the mouth of bacteria and acids, it is constantly engaged in a process of remineralizing the teeth. 

Treating Dry Mouth

There are a number of ways to find temporary relief from dry mouth. Drinking plenty of water, chewing xylitol gum and sucking on sugar-free lozenges will help in the moment. However, in order to treat dry mouth, the root cause must be identified and treated. If you are struggling with the symptoms of dry mouth and are concerned about potential tooth decay, contact our knowledgeable dentists at Country Club Dental Flagstaff. We can perform a thorough exam and prescribe treatment and relief options.  

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use. Image by rony michaud from Pixabay (12/11/2019)

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