Getting dentures can change your life and make you smile. However, your first set of dentures will not last forever. Understanding when or why you need to replace them is an important part of denture care. While some problems with dentures can be self-assessed and fixed at home, if you have any questions about your existing dentures, you should contact your dentist right away.
Why Replacing Your Dentures Is So Important
Replacing your dentures when they no longer function properly is important if you want to keep your mouth healthy and your smile bright. Damaged or misaligned dentures may be dangerous to your general and mental health.
For example:
- Cuts on your gums from damaged dentures can cause infections to spread throughout your body.
- Pain from misaligned dentures can impact your nutrition by changing what you are comfortable eating.
- Discolored, chipped, or warped dentures can impact how you feel about your smile. For many people, this affects their self-esteem and mental health.
How to Tell When It’s Time to Replace Your Dentures
Dentures typically last for around five to ten years. While proper care can keep you on the longer end of that timeline, accidental damage can happen. Being able to recognize the signs of damage will tell you when your dentures need to be replaced.
Irritation, Discomfort, or Pain
If your dentures are causing you discomfort, you should see your dentist right away. It’s not normal for dentures to cause any irritation or pain. These problems can lead to difficulty chewing or speaking, and can cause wounds that lead to infections.
Difficulty Chewing or Speaking
Dentures are supposed to correct problems with chewing and speaking, not cause them. Difficulty chewing can limit your nutritional intake, affecting your overall health, not just your mouth. And difficulty speaking may lead to social anxieties. If your dentures are giving you any problems, see your dentist as soon as possible.
They Don’t Fit Properly
If your dentures are causing you pain because they don’t seem to fit the way they used to, they might be warped or damaged.
Warping and damage are most commonly caused by improper handling. Dropping your dentures onto a hard surface often, or storing them improperly can cause them to become warped, cracked, or dented. Using too harsh of a cleaner or using hot water can cause your dentures to wear out faster than normal and become warped, dry, or discolored.
Another reason your dentures might not fit is that the shape of your mouth has changed. If you wear partial dentures, your remaining teeth might start to migrate. And oral health concerns like gum disease can cause your gum tissues or your jawbone to degrade. If your mouth has changed shape, you will need a new set of dentures to help you speak and chew properly.
Treat Your Mouth With Kindness
Just like your dentures, your mouth needs attentive care. A good oral health routine will help keep your gums healthy, and twice-yearly visits to your dentist will ensure that your dentures always fit and function correctly.
If you need replacement dentures or are ready to get your first set, visit the denture experts here at Country Club Dental. Our amazing dentists, Dr. Whitney understands the importance of a healthy smile. Contact us today for more information on dentures, or to book your appointment.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (6/1/24). Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash.