
dental bridges Flagstaff Arizona

Dental Bridges in Flagstaff, AZ

A bridge is a natural-looking and durable dental prosthesis that allows Dr. Whitney to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, such as decay, an accident or injury, or the decision to pull a tooth that can no longer be saved. All of your teeth play an important role in speaking and maintaining the alignment of each other. Fortunately, dental bridges are a great option for replacing missing teeth to restore your smile and confidence.

What Is a Fixed Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is used to replace one or a few missing teeth, and is custom designed to fit seamlessly into your smile. It consists of an artificial tooth or teeth that fill the empty space, attached to crowns that fit over the adjacent natural teeth. Also known as fixed bridges, these dental prostheses are permanently attached using dental cement. Fixed bridges are an attractive and long-lasting way to restore your dental health and appearance.

Why Should I Replace Missing Teeth With a Bridge?

Oral functionality and appearance are important reasons for wearing a dental bridge. Simply put, without a fixed bridge or other prostheses, your cheeks and gums will recede as they are no longer required in the area where the loss has occurred. The change in your face shape can make you appear older. However, a bridge helps support your lips and cheeks, preventing the sunken-faced appearance that can result from tooth loss.

Another reason to replace missing teeth with a bridge is to protect your remaining teeth and gums. Missing teeth leave more of the gums and remaining teeth exposed to bacteria, increasing the risk of oral infections and diseases when not replaced promptly. Failing to replace missing teeth can lead to further tooth loss, as the stress placed on the remaining teeth and gums surrounding them often results in other teeth failing as well. Tooth loss also makes it difficult to eat and speak properly. It may even lead to speech disorders, as teeth are used to make many of the sounds we use to speak clearly.

How Is a Dental Bridge Attached?

The attachment procedure usually takes two or three appointments to complete. At the first appointment, Dr. Paul Whitney will prepare the teeth on either side of the gap by removing a layer of the enamel and dentin. Since the bridge must be fabricated very precisely to ensure correct bite and to match the opposing teeth, impressions of the teeth are taken and sent to a lab where the bridge will be fabricated.

Fixed bridges are typically cemented to the natural teeth next to the space left by the missing tooth. A pontic, or false tooth, will replace the lost tooth. Crowns, which are cemented onto the natural teeth, provide support for the bridge. The pontic, or false tooth, is fabricated between two crowns to create a bridge.

What Materials Are Used?

Bridges can be constructed from gold alloys, non-precious alloys, zirconia, or a combination of these materials. Porcelain is often bonded to either precious or non-precious metal.

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Don't suffer in silence with the complications of tooth loss or recent injuries. Take action and schedule a consultation with Country Club Dental today for your dental bridge in Flagstaff, AZ. Our experienced team is here to help you find the best solution to restore your smile and oral health.

Whether you need dental implants, dentures, or other restorative options, we will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. Don't wait any longer to address your dental concerns. Call us at 928-526-4314 today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

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