What to Expect When Getting a Dental Crown

what to expect when getting a crown; woman in dentists chair smiling at dentist

What to Expect When Getting a Dental Crown

If your dentist recommends getting a dental crown, there’s no need to panic. Crowns are a simple, effective, and a pain-free way to protect your damaged or decayed tooth. Plus, they’re shaped and colored to look just like your other teeth, so you can smile confidently.

But if you’ve never had a crown, getting one can sound daunting. Knowing exactly what to expect during the procedure can help you feel more comfortable with getting a dental crown.

What to Expect When Getting a Dental Crown

Initial Consultation

Before you get a dental crown, you first need to consult your dentist to determine whether it’s the right treatment for your tooth. Crowns are used to protect broken or severely decayed teeth. If the damage is minimal and much of the natural tooth can be saved, you might only need a filling.

Dental Crown Placement Procedure

At Country Club Dental, fitting a crown takes two appointments. During the first visit, we examine the tooth, then numb your mouth using local anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain. We then remove the decayed portions of the tooth and shape it so the crown will fit properly.

After your tooth has been prepared, we take an impression to send to the lab that fabricates custom crowns. Then, we place a temporary crown to protect your tooth. A temporary crown is not as durable as a permanent crown, so it’s important to take extra care when brushing, flossing, and eating to avoid dislodging it.

After your permanent crown is ready (usually in two to three weeks), you return to our office to get it placed. We numb your mouth again, then remove the temporary crown and make any final adjustments necessary. Then we fit and adjust the permanent crown, and cement it into place using a special dental adhesive that permanently bonds the crown to the tooth.


Dental crowns can last up to fifteen years, but only if you take good care of them. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits and eating a healthy diet will help ensure that your new restoration lasts as long as possible.

You’ll need to brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and floss daily. It’s also important to avoid hard and sticky foods that could break or dislodge your crown. And while crowns don’t stain easily, it’s a good idea to limit your consumption of red wine, coffee, and black tea to avoid staining your teeth, which could make your crown stand out.

Does Getting a Crown Hurt?

This is a common question among patients. Thanks to local anesthesia, the process of getting a dental crown does not hurt at all. However, you may feel some discomfort and sensitivity once the anesthesia wears off, which should only last a few days.

You may need to avoid hot and cold foods and beverages for a couple of days after your crown placement to minimize sensitivity. Contact your dentist if your pain persists for more than a few days.

Dental Crowns in Flagstaff, Arizona

If you’re having tooth problems, contact Country Club Dental. We’ll examine your mouth and determine whether you need a crown or another treatment. We’re dedicated to providing natural-looking dental restorations, including durable, tooth-colored crowns. Give us a call at 928-526-4314 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Whitney.


Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (5/1/2023). Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

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