What’s the Difference Between Crowns and Fillings?

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What’s the Difference Between Crowns and Fillings?

Crowns and fillings are two common methods for repairing cavities and cracks in teeth. But the main difference between these restorations is that they each treat different levels of damage. Here’s when you might need a crown vs. a filling, the key differences between them, and what the procedures for each entail. 

Five Key Differences between Crowns and Fillings

  1. Crowns are used for more severe cases of decayed or damaged teeth.
  2. A crown covers the entire tooth, while a filling just fills a portion of it.
  3. Fillings are typically more affordable than crowns.
  4. In most cases, crowns last up to 15 years with proper care, while fillings usually last up to 10 years.
  5. The process of getting a crown takes longer and involves removing more of the tooth compared to fillings. 

Dental Fillings vs. Dental Crowns

All About Dental Fillings

When Is a Filling Necessary?

If your tooth has a cavity, it’s common for your dentist to recommend a filling. But besides filling the holes that cavities make, dental fillings can also repair minor cracks and rebuild teeth that have worn down over time, restoring the tooth back to its full function. 

What Are Fillings Made From?

In the past, fillings were often made from a metal amalgam. These silver fillings were very obvious and easy to see whenever you opened your mouth. But nowadays, fillings are made from durable, tooth-colored materials like porcelain or composite resin, to give you a more natural-looking smile. The exact material used for your procedure will depend on your budget and whether you have any sensitivities to certain materials.  

The Dental Filling Procedure

Before you get a filling, the area will be numbed with local anesthesia. You won’t feel any pain during the procedure, but you may feel some pressure. We then remove the decayed portion of the tooth, preserving as much of the natural tooth as possible. Next, we fill the cavity with the filling material, and polish it down to give you a comfortable biting surface.  

All About Dental Crowns

When Is a Crown Necessary?

Sometimes a cavity or crack is too large for a filling. Other times, the decay reaches beneath an existing filling to cause extra damage. A tooth-shaped cap called a crown is then necessary to protect the tooth. Crowns are commonly placed after a root canal, as well, to strengthen the tooth and restore its appearance. 

What Are Crowns Made From?

Dental crowns are custom-made to look like natural teeth. They’re typically fabricated from porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or zirconia. As with fillings, the type of crown you get will depend on your budget and whether or not you have any sensitivities. 

The Dental Crown Procedure

First, a local anesthetic is used to numb your mouth. Then we remove any decayed portions of the tooth. Next, we shape the tooth to fit the crown, and take an impression of the tooth in order to design a custom crown that fits perfectly. We send the impression to the lab for the crown to be fabricated, and place a temporary crown over your tooth in the meantime. 

In a few weeks, you’ll return for your permanent crown. We’ll numb your mouth again, and remove the temporary crown. Then we’ll make any necessary adjustments, place the permanent crown, and bond it to the tooth.  

Dental Crowns and Fillings in Flagstaff, Arizona

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, you may need a crown or a filling. At Country Club Dental, we can protect your teeth with natural-looking, long-lasting fillings and crowns. 

We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have about the differences between the two treatments. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible with any dental procedure we provide.

If you need a cleaning or want to schedule an examination, give us a call at 928-526-4314 today. 


Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (5/8/2023).Photo by Akshar Dave on Unsplash

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