Make Dental Care Your New Year’s Resolution: 5 Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

dental care as a new years resolution

Make Dental Care Your New Year’s Resolution: 5 Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Improving your oral health in the new year can help you reach all your New Year’s resolutions. Taking care of your oral health means taking care of your overall health, saving money, and building confidence. Read on to learn why prioritizing your dental health is a good resolution, and try our tips for improving your dental health in 2025. 

Why Prioritizing Dental Care Is a Good Resolution 

  • Oral health and overall health are closely connected. 

There are strong links between oral health and heart health, as well as chronic diseases like arthritis and diabetes, and several other health concerns. Strong teeth also make it easier to eat healthy foods like crunchy nuts and fresh vegetables.

  • A nice smile boosts your confidence.

Being proud of your smile can give you higher self-esteem, leading to better mental health and more opportunities for success. 

  • Save money on costly dental restorations.

Restorations like fillings, crowns, dentures, and implants will only become more costly if your dental health deteriorates. 

Five Tips for Improving Your Oral Health

  1. Build a consistent routine.

A basic oral health routine includes brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once a day, and using a mouth rinse once a day. 

  1. Visit the dentist twice a year.

Frequent dental exams and cleanings are very important. Exams help detect potential problems before they get worse, and cleanings remove plaque tartar buildup, which gives you a good base for maintaining good oral health throughout the year.

  1. Carry a toothbrush or mouth rinse.

Keeping a toothbrush or small bottle of mouthwash handy can help you fight plaque and bad breath when you’re away from home. 

  1. Switch to an electric toothbrush.

Electric toothbrushes are more effective than manual ones. They can help you remove hardened plaque with more ease. 

  1. Consider tools like Perio Protect™ Trays.

If you feel like you have done all you can to maintain your oral health, but still suffer from gum disease, plaque buildup, or other oral health concerns, Perio Protect™ might be able to help. Ask your dentist if this at-home treatment might work for you. 

Let Us Help You Keep Your Resolution Going

At Country Club Dental, we offer the best dental care in Flagstaff, Arizona. Our expert dentists, Dr. Paul Whitney and Dr. Mikaela Weedman can help you get the perfect smile you’ve always wanted. If you are due for a checkup or looking to meet your New Year’s resolution for better oral health, contact us today to make an appointment.

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (12/29/24). Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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