5 Common Myths About Dentures

are dentures uncomfortable -- older man in a suit smiling and giving thumbs up with both hands

5 Common Myths About Dentures

When people come to our practice to ask about dentures, they usually bring a lot of misunderstandings along with them. For example, people often ask if dentures are uncomfortable or even dangerous to wear. And they’re always surprised to hear just how common dentures are. Here are the five top mistaken beliefs about dentures we hear at Country Club Dental, and the truth behind them. 

Five Most Frequent Denture Myths 

Myth 1: Dentures are painful and unhealthy. 

The #1 question people ask about dentures is, “Are dentures uncomfortable?” 

Denture technology has come a long way over the years. The dentures of today are custom-fit, which means they will not move or rub when they’re worn. Like any dental appliance, there will be some minor gum discomfort at first. However, in a few days, this irritation will go away and you’ll barely even feel your dentures. 

Some people also wonder whether dentures are dangerous to their mouth or oral health. The answer is no—correctly-fitted dentures can not harm your mouth. Instead, they allow people to eat without pain and show off a confident smile to everyone they meet. 

Myth 2: Everyone will know I’m wearing dentures.

When dentures are custom-made for your unique mouth, you will be hard-pressed to find anyone who can tell they are not your real teeth. Today’s dentures also use materials and colors that make it extremely difficult to tell you are wearing dentures. They will not shift or move about, and they help fill out your cheeks and lips for a completely natural look.  

Myth 3: Dentures are only for seniors. 

People frequently ask how common are dentures at younger ages. The truth is, people experience tooth loss at all ages. By age 17, about 7% of all people in the United States lose at least one tooth. By age 35 to 44, the chance of losing at least one tooth jumps to 69%.

Dentures are a lot more mainstream than most people think. In fact, there are a number of celebrities you probably watch all the time on television or on the big screen who wear or have worn dentures and you would never know it. What celebrities have worn dentures or partials over their career to cover dental gaps, you ask? Here are a few names you’re probably familiar with:

  • Emma Watson
  • Ben Affleck
  • Jon Bon Jovi

Myth 4: I won’t be able to enjoy my favorite foods. 

As we mentioned above, first-time dentures come with a slight learning curve. When it comes to eating with dentures, we advise people to give themselves a chance to adjust by sticking with easy-to-eat, soft foods at first. Cut all food into small bites, and take your time chewing your food. After a few days, the adjustment period will be over, and you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite foods without any issues. 

Myth 5: I never have to go back to the dentist once I have dentures.

Dentures are a medical appliance, which means you do need to visit your dentist twice a year. These visits let the dentist check to ensure your dentures are still fitting properly. The dentist can check your gums for signs of any health issues. Plus, regularly checking on your dentures will help them last longer. A pair of dentures can last between five to 10 years, depending on how well you keep them maintained

Affordable Custom-Fit Dentures in Flagstaff

We hope we have cleared up some common misconceptions about dentures! We never want to see false information keep people from getting the proper oral care they need. Dentures can be a life-changing tool for those living with missing teeth and constant tooth pain. If you have additional questions about whether dentures are uncomfortable or any other myths about dentures you’d like to clear up, call Country Club Dental in Flagstaff today at 928-526-4314

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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